- Javascript doesn't let the two frames communicate when both of them are from different domains
- The above also applies when pop up windows are opened
- Javascript lets location.href property of a frame(child/parent) or window (child/parent) to be set but not read if both are from different domains.
3. Javascript provides no way to stop the page from loading at onunload stage
4. target properties can alter the way windows and frames react with their parents. _top, _self,_parent etc.
5. providing the names of the frames enable to be found when accessed by document.frames[0] without which it will fail. -- not tried though, i guess i just read it.
6. divs can be made resizable but not editable by providing disabled preoperty with contentEditable property
7. onresize method is useless!!
8. javascript can be run in the address bar and huge things can be accomplished by it, including the way things look on a static page! try web preview.
9. there is a security property in a frame, when specified all the hrefs and form submits will opena new page.
10. implemented drag and drop for the first time - was an awesome feeling!
1. URL connection is wrapped by HttpURL connection a much richer class.
2. when the page redirects from a url to another, the another url is also available once the connection has been set. This url also has the path relative to the url used to hit the site.
3. Downloaded the html of a page using java... awesome!
4. System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", "");
System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", "3129");
when trying to connect a server using URLconnection and trying it behind proxies.
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