Friday, January 18, 2013

Hello World Project for Spring MVC

Recently I tried to get my hands dirty with spring MVC. Although I found many tutorials for a hello world application, setting one up did not prove to be so easy.

As is normal with any spring project, I kept making some silly mistakes and almost took me 4 hours to get see the hello world on my browser. I, thus, wish to circulate an eclipse project with a working spring mvc hello world application.

Since this is a maven project, this requires eclipse to have m2e installed.

Import the project in eclipse, build it using maven and see the application run at /SpringMVCHelloWorld

For an explanation of the files, please follow the excellent mykong tutorial

This can also be used as a starter project, just change the name of the project in .project file of the eclipse, POM and of course the name of the project

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